Saturday, February 12, 2011


A fox and a wolf were going along together and found a bucketful of butter.They prepared to share it equally.Then the fox said,"It is not safe  to eat this here, because someone may come along.So we shall eat it on the top of a high mountain.But you carry it, please."
When they reached the top of a high mountain, the fox said, "There is no need to divide it between us, only one of us must eat it.
The wolf asked, "Who?"Then the fox said ,"The oldest one.But how old are you?"
The wolf wanted to lie to the fox so that he could eat the bucketful of butter.So he said .
"When I was little the Great Mountain was only small mound of earth.The Great ocean was just a puddle."The fox began to cry when he heard the wolf's words.
The wolf thought to himself,"Oh!Poor sensitive creature!It doesn't matter whether you cry or not.But now the butter will be mine!
"And he asked the fox,"Why are you crying?"

Then the fox said,"I have three cubs.My youngest one is the same age as you.When I hear you tell about your age I begin to think about my youngest cub,so my heart beats for it.And I begin to cry."The wolf was embarrassed and he was so hungry that he went slinking away to his den.After the wolf had gone the fox ate the bucketful  of butter alone.

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