Once upon a time, a dove, a hare, a monkey and an elephant lived together for many years in a beautiful forest in India."Since we all live in such a friendly fashion, we should respect the oldest of us and the younger ones must listen to him so we can all serve him whatever he wishes", they said among themselves, and they asked each other who was the eldest.
A big tree was growing in that place.The elephant pointed to that tree and said."When I was a elephant-calf,I used to rub myself against that tree.Then we were both the same size."The monkey said,"When I was little there were no branches in which to jump and play.But the tree was the same size as me.And teh shade of the tree scarcely hid me."The hare said,"When I was little,the tree's roots were just beginning to grow, so I used to dig down to the roots so that I could eat them."The dove said,"I was pecking at the fruit of a tree and it fell near this place.So another tree began to grow near the original one."Therefore,the eldest one is the dove and the next eldest is the hare , the next is monkey and the youngest is the elephant.
Эвтэй дөрвөн амьтан
Эрт урьд цагт Энэтхэгийн орны сайхан ой модонд тагтаа,шувуу,туулай,сармагчин,заан дөрөв эвтэй сайхан суухаас гадна,бидний хэн нэгэн нь ах болбол дүү нар нь ахыгаа хүндлэн өргөж тааллаар нь явья гэж хэлэлцээд хэн нь ах болохыг бие биеээсээ ачууж гэнэ.Тэнд нэг том мод ургаж байжээ.Заан тэр модыг зааж"Намайг тугал байхад энэ мод надтай чацуухан байсан.Би шөргөдөг байв"гэжээ.Үүнд сармагчин хэлэв.Намайг жаахан байхад энэ мод тоглож дүүлэх мөчиргүй,надтай адилхан байсан тул сүүдэр нь намайг арай чарай халхалдаг байсан гэв.Туулай хэлэв.
-Би энэ модны чинь үрийг зууж ирээд энд унагачихсан юм.Тэгээд энэ мод ургасан билээ гэв.
Ийм болохоор хамгийн ах нь тагтаа,дүү нь туулай,туулайн дүү сармагчин,отгон дүү нь заан болж таарчээ.Дүү нь ахыгаа хүндлэхээр хэлэлцсэн тулд заан сармагчныг хүндэлж нуруун дээрээ гаргав.
The reason why the fir,cedar and red bilberry became evergreen
Once upon a time there was a good-hearted swallow who,having found a spring of eternal water,was flying with a few drops in his mouth because he wished to give a human being immortality and everlasting youth.However an ill-intentioned bumble-bee who knew about this stung the swallow in flight.Because of the pain, the swallow let out a cry and spilled the eternal water,which dripped onto the fir, cedar, and red bilberry so that the leaves of these three plants became forever green.
Seeing that all was in vain, the swallow,in his grief,pulled out the tongue of the bumble-bee who, from that time, has never sung beautifully but could make only a useless sort of droning noise.
Нарс,хуш,зээргэнэ мөнх ногоон болсны учир