
No. English Title German Title Aarne-Thompson-Uther Type
Type titles not given resemble the tales' titles
1 The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich Type 440
2 Cat and Mouse in Partnership Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft Type 15, Stealing the Partner's Butter
3 Mary's Child Marienkind Type 710
4 The Story of a Boy Who Went Forth to Learn Fear Märchen von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen Type 326
5 The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein Type 123
6 Faithful Johannes Der treue Johannes Type 516
7 The Good Bargain Der gute Handel Type 1642. Includes an episode of type 1610, Sharing Strokes with the King's Guard
8 The Strange Musician Der wunderliche Spielmann Type 151, Music Lessons for Wild Animals. Cf. type 1159, Catching the Would-Be Musician in a Crack
9 The Twelve Brothers Die zwölf Brüder Type 451, The Brothers Who Were Turned into Birds
10 The Pack of Scoundrels Das Lumpengesindel Type 210, The Traveling Animals and the Wicked Man
11 Little Brother and Little Sister Brüderchen und Schwesterchen Type 450
12 Rapunzel Rapunzel Type 310, The Maiden in the Tower
13 The Three Little Men in the Woods Die drei Männlein im Walde Type 403B, The Black and the White Bride. Includes an episode of type 480, The Kind and the Unkind Girls
14 The Three Spinning Women Die drei Spinnerinnen Type 501
15 Hansel and Gretel Hänsel und Gretel Type 327A. Includes an episode of type 1121, Burning the Witch in Her Own Oven
16 The Three Snake-Leaves Die drei Schlangenblätter Type 612
17 The White Snake Die weiße Schlange Type 673. Includes an episode of type 554, The Grateful Animals
18 Straw, Coal, and Bean Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne Type 295
19 The Fisherman and His Wife Von dem Fischer un syner Fru Type 555
20 The Brave Little Tailor Das tapfere Schneiderlein Type 1640. Includes episodes of type 1060, Squeezing Water from a Stone; type 1062, A Contest in Throwing Stones; type 1052, A Contest in Carrying a Tree; type 1051, Springing with a Bent Tree; type 1115, Attempting to Kill the Hero in His Bed
21 Cinderella Aschenputtel Type 510A
22 The Riddle Das Rätsel Type 851, Winning the Princess with a Riddle
23 The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst Type 85
24 Frau Holle Frau Holle Type 480, The Kind and the Unkind Girls
25 The Seven Ravens Die sieben Raben Type 451, The Brothers Who Were Turned into Birds
26 Little Red Cap Rotkäppchen Type 333, Red Riding Hood
27 The Bremen Town Musicians Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten Type 130, Outcast Animals Find a New Home
28 The Singing Bone Der singende Knochen Type 780
29 The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren Type 461, Three Hairs from the Devil; type 930, The Prophecy That a Poor Boy Will Marry a Rich Girl
30 Little Louse and Little Flea Läuschen und Flöhchen Type 2022, An Animal Mourns the Death of a Spouse
31 The Girl without Hands Das Mädchen ohne Hände Type 706
32 Clever Hans Der gescheite Hans Type 1696, What Should I Have Said (or Done)?
33 The Three Languages Die drei Sprachen Type 671
34 Clever Elsie Die kluge Else Type 1450. Ends with an episode of type 1383, A Woman Does Not Know Herself
35 The Tailor in Heaven Der Schneider im Himmel Type 800
36 Table-Be-Set, Gold-Donkey, and Cudgel-out-of-the-Sack Tischchendeckdich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack Type 563, introduced by type 212, The Goat That Lied
37 Thumbthick Daumesdick Type 700, Tom Thumb. Includes an episode of type 41, Overeating in the Pantry
38 Mrs. Fox's Wedding Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin Two tales. Type 65, Mrs. Fox's Suitors.
39 The Elves Die Wichtelmänner Three tales. Tale one: type 503*, Helpful Elves. Also categorized as a migratory legend, type 7015. Tale two: type 476*, A Midwife (or Godmother) for the Elves. Also categorized as a migratory legend, type 5070. Tale three: migratory legend, type 5085, The Changeling.
40 The Robber Bridegroom Der Räuberbräutigam Type 955
41 Herr Korbes Herr Korbes Type 210, The Traveling Animals and the Wicked Man
42 The Godfather Der Herr Gevatter Type 332, Godfather Death
43 Frau Trude Frau Trude Type 334, At the Witch's House
44 Godfather Death Der Gevatter Tod Type 332
45 Thumbling's Travels Daumerlings Wanderschaft Type 700, Tom Thumb
46 Fitcher's Bird Fitchers Vogel Type 311, The Heroine Rescues Herself and Her Sisters. Similar to type 312, Bluebeard
47 The Juniper Tree Von dem Machandelboom Type 720, My Mother Killed Me; My Father Ate Me
48 Old Sultan Der alte Sultan Type 101, The Old Dog Rescues the Child. Concludes with an episode of type 103, Wild Animals Hide from an Unfamiliar Animal, and of type 104, War between the Village Animals and the Forest Animals
49 The Six Swans Die sechs Schwäne Type 451, The Brothers Who Were Turned into Birds
50 Little Brier-Rose Dornröschen Type 410, Sleeping Beauty
51 Foundling-Bird Fundevogel Type 313A, The Girl Helps the Hero Flee
52 King Thrushbeard König Drosselbart Type 900
53 Little Snow-White Sneewittchen Type 709
54 The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein Type 569
55 Rumpelstiltskin Rumpelstilzchen Type 500, Guessing the Helper's Name
56 Sweetheart Roland Der Liebste Roland Type 1119, Ogres Kill Their Own Children, followed by type 313C, The Girl Helps the Hero Flee; the Forgotten Fiancée
57 The Golden Bird Der goldene Vogel Type 550
58 The Dog and the Sparrow Der Hund und der Sperling Type 248, The Man, the Dog, and the Bird
59 Freddy and Katy Lizzy Der Frieder und das Catherlieschen Types 1387, A Woman Draws Beer in the Cellar; 1385*, A Woman Loses Her Husband's Money; 1291B, A Fool Greeses the Cracked Earth with Butter; 1291, Sending One Cheese After Another; 1653A, Securing the Door; 1653, The Robbers under the Tree; 1383, A Woman Does Not Know Herself; 1791, Dividing Up the Dead
60 The Two Brothers Die zwei Brüder Type 567A, The Magic Bird Heart; followed by type 303, The Blood Brothers. Includes an episode of type 300, The Dragon Slayer
61 The Little Peasant Das Bürle Type 1535, The Rich Peasant and the Poor Peasant. Includes an episode of type 1737, Trading Places with the Trickster in a Sack. Similar to type 1539, Tricksters and Their Victims
62 The Queen Bee Die Bienenkönigin Type 554, The Grateful Animals
63 The Three Feathers Die drei Federn Type 402, The Animal Bride
64 The Golden Goose Die goldene Gans Type 571, All Stick Together, plus an episode of type 513B, The Land and Water Ship
65 All-Kinds-Of-Fur Allerleirauh Type 510B, A King Tries to Marry His Daughter
66 The Hare's Bride Häsichenbraut Type 311, The Heroine Rescues Herself and Her Sisters
67 The Twelve Huntsmen Die zwölf Jäger Type 884, The Forsaken Fiancée
68 The Thief and His Master De Gaudeif un sien Meester Type 325, The Magician and His Pupil
69 Jorinde and Joringel Jorinde und Joringel Type 405
70 The Three Children of Fortune Die drei Glückskinder Type 1650, Three Brothers Inherit a Rooster, a Scythe, and a Cat. Includes episodes of types 1202, Harvesting Grain with a Cannon; 1651, Dick Whittington and His Cat; and 1281, Burning the Barn to Destroy an Unknown Animal
71 How Six Men Got On in the World Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt Type 513A
72 The Wolf and the Man Der Wolf und der Mensch Type 157, Learning to Fear Man
73 The Wolf and the Fox Der Wolf und der Fuchs Type 41, Overeating in the Pantry
74 The Fox and His Cousin Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin Type 152A*, The Scalded Wolf, followed by type 4, Getting a Ride by Pretending to Be Injured
75 The Fox and the Cat Der Fuchs und die Katze Type 105, The Cat's Only Trick
76 The Carnation Die Nelke Type 652, The Boy Whose Wishes Always Come True
77 Clever Gretel Das kluge Gretel Type 1741, The Guest Flees to Save His Ears
78 The Old Grandfather and His Grandson Der alte Großvater und der Enkel Type 980B, The Wooden Bowl
79 The Water Nixie Die Wassernixe Type 313A, The Girl Helps the Hero Flee
80 The Death of the Little Hen Von dem Tode des Hühnchens Type 2021. Includes an episode of type 2021A The Cock Seeks Help for the Choking Hen
81 Brother Merry Bruder Lustig Includes episodes of type 785, Who Ate the Lamb's Heart?; type 753A, The Unsuccessful Resuscitation; type 330B, The Devil in the Sack; type 330*, Entering Heaven by a Trick;
82 Gambling Hansel De Spielhansl Type 330A, The Smith's Three Wishes
83 Hans in Luck Hans im Glück Type 1415
84 Hans Gets Married Hans heiratet Types 859B, The Penniless Wooer: Money in Hand, and 859A, The Penniless Wooer: Patch of Land
85 The Gold-Children Die Goldkinder Type 555, The Fisherman and His Wife, followed by type 303, Blood Brothers
86 The Fox and the Geese Der Fuchs und die Gänse Type 227, The Geese's Eternal Prayer
87 The Poor Man and the Rich Man Der Arme und der Reiche Type 750A, Good Wishes and Foolish Wishes
88 The Singing, Springing Lark Das singende springende Löweneckerchen Type 425C, Beauty and the Beast
89 The Goose-Girl Die Gänsemagd Type 533
90 The Young Giant Der junge Riese Type 650A. Introduced with an episode of type 700, Tom Thumb
91 The Gnome Dat Erdmänneken Type 301A, The Quest for the Vanished Princesses
92 The King of the Golden Mountain Der König vom goldenen Berge Type 401A, The Enchanted Princess in Her Castle. Introduced with an episode of type 810, The Devil Loses a Soul That Was Promised Him. Includes episodes of type 560, The Magic Ring, and type 518, Quarreling Giants Lose Their Magic Objects
93 The Raven Die Rabe Type 401. The Girl Transformed into an Animal. Includes an episode of type 518, Quarreling Giants Lose Their Magic Objects
94 The Peasant's Clever Daughter Die kluge Bauerntochter Type 875
95 Old Hildebrand Der alte Hildebrand Type 1360C
96 The Three Little Birds De drei Vügelkens Type 707, The Dancing Water, the Singing Apple, and the Speaking Bird
97 The Water of Life Das Wasser des Lebens Type 551
98 Dr. Know-All Doktor Allwissend Type 1641
99 The Spirit in the Glass Bottle Der Geist im Glas Type 331
100 The Devil's Sooty Brother Des Teufels rußiger Bruder Type 475, Heating Hell's Kitchen
101 Bearskin Der Bärenhäuter Type 361
102 The Wren and the Bear Der Zaunkönig und der Bär Type 222, The War between the Birds and the Beasts
103 Sweet Porridge Der süße Brei Type 565, The Magic Mill
104 The Clever People Die klugen Leute Type 1384, A Man Seeks Someone as Stupid as His Wife. Includes episodes of type 1385, A Woman Accepts Her Own Cow as Security, and type 1540, The Man from Paradise
105 Tales of the Toad Märchen von der Unke Three tales. Tale 1: type 285, The Child and the Snake. Tale 2: type 672B, The Toad's Crown. Tale 3: type 2075 Imitating Animal Sounds
106 The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen Type 402, The Animal Bride
107 The Two Travelers Die beiden Wanderer Type 613, followed by type 554, The Grateful Animals
108 Hans-My-Hedgehog Hans mein Igel Type 441
109 The Burial Shirt (The Little Shroud) Das Totenhemdchen Unclassified
110 The Jew in the Thorns Der Jude im Dorn Type 592, Dancing in Thorns
111 The Trained Huntsman Der gelernte Jäger Type 304
112 The Threshing-Flail from Heaven Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel A combination of types 1960A, The Giant Animal; 1960G, The Giant Plant; and 1889K, A Rope Made of Chaff
113 The Two Kings' Children De beiden Künigeskinner Type 313C, The Girl Helps the Hero Flee; the Forgotten Fiancée
114 The Clever Little Tailor Vom klugen Schneiderlein An expurgated version of type 850, The Princess's Birthmarks. Includes episodes of type 1061, Biting Stones and 1159, Catching the Would-Be Musician in a Crack (expurgated)
115 The Bright Sun Will Bring It to Light Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag Type 960, The Sun Brings All to Light
116 The Blue Light Das blaue Licht Type 562, The Spirit in the Blue Light
117 The Willful Child Das eigensinnige Kind Type 779, Divine Rewards and Punishments
118 The Three Army Surgeons Die drei Feldscherer Type 660, The Three Doctors
119 The Seven Swabians Die sieben Schwaben Several episodes, mostly of type 1321, Fools Are Frightened. One episode is type 1231, Planning the Attack on a Hare. Conclusion belongs to type 1297*, Fools Walk into a River and Drown
120 The Three Journeymen Die drei Handwerksburschen Type 360, The Three Apprentices and the Devil. Similar to type 1697, We Three, for Money
121 The King's Son Who Is Afraid of Nothing Der Königssohn, der sich vor nichts fürchtet Type 590, The Magic Belt; and type 401A, The Enchanted Princess in Her Castle
122 The Cabbage-Donkey Der Krautesel Type 567, The Magic Bird Heart. Similar to type 566, Fruit That Grows Horns (Fortunatus)
123 The Old Woman in the Woods Die Alte im Wald Type 442
124 The Three Brothers Die drei Brüder Type 654, Which Brother Has the Best Skill?
125 The Devil and His Grandmother Der Teufel und seine Großmutter Type 812, The Devil's Riddle
126 Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful Ferenand getrü un Ferenand ungetrü Type 531
127 The Iron Stove Der Eisenofen Type 425A, The Animal Bridegroom
128 The Lazy Spinning Woman Die faule Spinnerin Type 1405
129 The Four Skillful Brothers Die vier kunstreichen Brüder Type 653
130 One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein Type 511
131 Fair Katrinelje and Pif Paf Poltrie Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie Type 2019
132 The Fox and the Horse Der Fuchs und das Pferd Type 47A, Catching a Horse by the Tail
133 The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces Die zertanzten Schuhe Type 306, The Danced-Out Shoes
134 The Six Servants Die sechs Diener Type 513A, Six Go through the Whole World
135 The White Bride and the Black Bride Die weiße und die schwarze Braut Type 403A, The Black and the White Bride: The Wishes
136 Iron Hans Der Eisenhans Type 502, The Wild Man as a Helper
137 The Three Black Princesses De drei schwatten Prinzessinnen Similar to type 401A, The Enchanted Princess in Her Castle
138 Knoist and His Three Sons Knoist un sine dre Sühne Type 1965. Includes an episode of type 1963, Sailing in a Bottomless Boat
139 The Girl from Brakel Dat Mäken von Brakel Type 1476A, Praying to the Statue's Mother
140 Household Servants Das Hausgesinde Type 1940, Extraordinary Names
141 The Little Lamb and the Little Fish Das Lämmchen und Fischchen Type 450, Little Brother, Little Sister
142 Simeli Mountain Simeliberg Type 676, Open Sesame
143 Going Traveling Up Reisen gohn Type 1696, What Should I Have Said?
144 The Little Donkey Das Eselein Type 430, The Donkey Bridegroom
145 The Ungrateful Son Der undankbare Sohn Type 980D, A Toad in the Face of an Ungrateful Son
146 The Turnip Die Rübe Types 1960D, The Giant Vegetable; and 1689A, Two Presents for the King. Includes an episode of type 1737, Trading Places with the Trickster in a Sack
147 The Little Old Man Made Young by Fire Das junggeglühte Männlein Type 753, Christ and the Smith
148 The Lord's Animals and the Devil's Des Herrn und des Teufels Getier Unclassified
149 The Rooster Beam Der Hahnenbalken Type 987, False Magician Exposed by Clever Girl. Includes an episode similar to type 1290, A Fool Mistakes a Flax Field for a Lake
150 The Old Beggar Woman Die alte Bettelfrau Unclassified
151 The Three Lazy Ones Die drei Faulen Type 1950, A Contest in Laziness
151* The Twelve Lazy Servants Die zwölf faulen Knechte Type 1950, A Contest in Laziness
152 The Little Shepherd Boy Das Hirtenbüblein Type 922, The King, the Abbot, and the Shepherd
153 The Star Talers Die Sterntaler Type 779, Divine Rewards and Punishments
154 The Stolen Farthing Der gestohlene Heller Type 769, A Child Returns from the Dead
155 Choosing a Bride Die Brautschau Type 1452, Choosing a Bride by How She Cuts Cheese
156 The Hurds Die Schlickerlinge Type 1451, A Suitor Chooses the Thrifty Girl
157 The Sparrow and His Four Children Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder Similar to type 157, Learning to Fear Man
158 The Tale of Cockaigne Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland Type 1930
159 The Tall Tale from Ditmarsh Das Diethmarsische Lügenmärchen Type 1930, Schlaraffenland
160 A Riddling Tale Rätselmärchen Type 407, The Girl as a Flower
161 Snow-White and Rose-Red Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Type 426, The Two Girls, the Bear, and the Dwarf
162 The Clever Servant Der kluge Knecht Similar to type 1681B, The Fool as a Housekeeper
163 The Glass Coffin Der gläserne Sarg Type 410, Sleeping Beauty
164 Lazy Heinz Der faule Heinz Type 1430, Air Castles
165 The Griffin Der Vogel Greif Type 610, Fruit to Cure the Princess; and type 461, Three Hairs from the Devil
166 Strong Hans Der starke Hans Type 650A, The Young Giant; and type 301A, The Quest for the Vanished Princesses
167 The Peasant in Heaven Das Bürle im Himmel Type 802
168 Lean Lisa Die hagere Liese Type 1430, Air Castles. Includes an episode of type 2411, Counting Imagined Wealth.
169 The Hut in the Woods Das Waldhaus Type 431
170 Sharing Joy and Sorrow Lieb und Leid teilen Unclassified
171 The Wren Der Zaunkönig Type 221, The Wren Becomes King of the Birds
172 The Flounder Die Scholle Type 250A, The Flounder's Crooked Mouth
173 The Bittern and Hoopoe Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf Type 236*, Imitating Bird Sounds. Compare type 2075, Imitating Animal Sounds
174 The Owl Die Eule Type 1281, Burning the Barn to Destroy an Unknown Animal
175 The Moon Der Mond Unclassified
176 The Duration of Life Die Lebenszeit Types 173 and 828, Men, Animals, and the Span of Life. (Categorized under two different numbers by Aarne-Thompson)
177 Death's Messengers Die Boten des Todes Type 335
178 Master Pfriem Meister Pfriem Type 801. Includes an episode of type 1248, Loading a Beam Crosswise on a Wagon
179 The Goose-Girl at the Well Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen Type 923, Love Like Salt
180 Eve's Unequal Children Die ungleichen Kinder Evas Type 758
181 The Nixie in the Pond Die Nixe im Teich Type 316
182 The Gifts of the Little People Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes Type 503, The Hunchbacks and the Elves
183 The Giant and the Tailor Der Riese und der Schneider Type 1049, The Heavy Ax; 1053, Shooting Wild Boars; and 1051, Springing with a Bent Tree
184 The Nail Der Nagel Type 2039, The Lost Horseshoe Nail
185 The Poor Boy in the Grave Der arme Junge im Grab Episodes include type 1876, Chickens on a String, and type 1313, The Man Who Thought He Was Dead
186 The True Bride Die wahre Braut Type 510, The Persecuted Heroine; followed by type 884, The Forsaken Fiancée
187 The Hare and the Hedgehog Der Hase und der Igel. This link is to a High German translation of the Grimms' original Low German text. Type 275A*, The Race between the Hedgehog and the Hare. Compare type 1074, A Race Is Won by a Look-Alike Helper
188 Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel Type 585
189 The Peasant and the Devil Der Bauer und der Teufel Type 1030, Man and Ogre Share the Harvest
190 The Crumbs on the Table Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch Type 236*, Imitating Bird Sounds. Compare type 2075, Imitating Animal Sounds
191 The Rabbit Das Meerhäschen Type 554, The Grateful Animals. Similar to 851, Winning the Princess with a Riddle
192 The Master Thief Der Meisterdieb Type 1525A, Stealing the Count's Horse, Sheet, and Parson
193 The Drummer Der Trommler Type 400, The Quest for a Lost Bride; and type 313C, The Girl Helps the Hero Flee; the Forgotten Fiancée. Includes an episode of type 518, Quarreling Giants Lose Their Magic Objects
194 The Ear of Grain Die Kornähre Type 779, Divine Rewards and Punishments
195 The Grave Mound Der Grabhügel Similar to type 815, Keeping Watch at a Rich Man's Grave. Contains an episode of type 1130, A Boot Full of Money
196 Old Rinkrank Oll Rinkrank Similar to type 311, The Heroine Rescues Herself and Her Sisters
197 The Crystal Ball Die Kristallkugel Type 552A, The Girls Who Married Animals. Includes episodes of type 302, The Giant Whose Heart Was in an Egg, and type 518, Quarreling Giants Lose Their Magic Objects
198 Maid Maleen Jungfrau Maleen Type 870, The Entombed Princess
199 The Boot of Buffalo Leather Der Stiefel von Büffelleder Type 952, The King and the Soldier
200 The Golden Key Der goldene Schlüssel Type 2260
201 St. Joseph in the Woods Der heilige Joseph im Walde Type 480, The Kind and the Unkind Girls
202 The Twelve Apostles Die zwölf Apostel Similar to type 766, The Magic Sleep
203 The Rose Die Rose Unclassified
204 Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven Armut und Demut führen zum Himmel Unclassified
205 God's Food Gottes Speise Type 751G*, Bread Turned to Stone
206 The Three Green Branches Die drei grünen Zweige Type 756A, Green Leaves on a Dry Stick
207 Our Lady's Little Glass Muttergottesgläschen Unclassified
208 The Aged Mother Die alte Mütterchen Unclassified
209 The Heavenly Wedding Die himmlische Hochzeit Type 767, Food for the Crucifix
210 The Hazel Switch Die Haselrute Unclassified

German (Deutsch)

German is a Germanic language with about 121 million speakers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Belgium, Italy, France, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Australia, South Africa and Namibia.
The earliest known examples of written German date from the 8th century AD and consist of fragments of an epic poem, the Song of Hildebrand, magical charms and German glosses in Latin manuscripts. A short Latin-German dictionary, the Abrogans, was written during the 760s.
German literature started to take off during the 12th and 13th centuries in the form of poems, epics and romances. Well known examples include the epic Nibelungenlied (the Song of the Nibelungs) and Gottfried von Straßburg's Tristan. The language used is now known as mittelhochdeutsche Dichtersprache (Middle High German poetic language). During this period Latin was gradually replaced by German as the language of official documents.

Varieties of German used in writing

High German (Hochdeutsch)

High German began to emerge as the standard literary language during the 16th century. Martin Luther's translation of the Bible, which he completed in 1534, marks the beginning of this process. The language he used, based partly on spoken German, became the model for written German.

Swiss German (Schweizerdeutsch or Schwyzerdütsch)

A variety of German spoken by about 4 million people in Switzerland, occasionally appears in writing in novels, newspapers, personal letters and diaries.
Regional dialects of German, or Mundarten, also occasionally appear in writing; mainly in 'folk' literature and comic books such as Asterix.

Written German script styles


Fraktur was used for printed and written German from the 16th century until 1940. The name Fraktur comes from Latin and means "broken script". It is so called because its ornamental twiddly bits (curlicues) break the continuous line of a word. In German it is usually called the deutsche Schrift (German script).
Fraktur was also used for a number of other languages, including Finnish, Czech, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.
Fraktur alphabet


The second lowercase s appears at the ends of syllables, except in the following combinations: ss, st, sp, sh and sch, while the first (ſ) appears everywhere else. The symbol ß (scharfes S or Eszett) is a combination of the long s and z, or a combination of the two types of s: there is some dispute about origin of this symbol. For further details, see:ß.

Sample text in Fraktur

Sample text in Fraktur


Sütterlin was created by the Berlin graphic artist L. Sütterlin (1865-1917), who modelled it on the style of handwriting used in the old German Chancery. It was taught in German schools from 1915 to 1941 and is still used by the older generation.
Sütterlin alphabet

Sample text in Sütterlin

Sample text in Sütterlin
Modern German alphabet
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m
a be ce de e ef ge ha i jot ka el em
N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z
en o pe ku er es te u vau we iks üpsilon zet

German pronunciation

German pronunciation
German pronunciation notes

Sample text in German

Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
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